December 14, 2020
How to train to burn fat
Changing your eating habits and following our fat burning moves will help you blast away calories, but regular cardio is also essential for weight loss. Here’s how to train to burn fat. Cardio will help…
December 14, 2020
Changing your eating habits and following our fat burning moves will help you blast away calories, but regular cardio is also essential for weight loss. Here’s how to train to burn fat. Cardio will help…
November 16, 2020
Most of us know someone who has lost weight and put it back on again, and that may even apply to you. How can you make sure the weight you’ve ditched stays off for good?…
November 14, 2020
Wish you could cut back on chocolate and improve your diet? Frustrated that you can’t resist those savoury treats? Meghan Foulsham at Fresh Fitness Food reveals how to form healthier, lasting nutrition habits. Food is primarily…
October 29, 2020
A healthy diet doesn’t need to be complicated, however with so much conflicting nutrition advice available, it is easy for people to make common mistakes when attempting to eat a healthy diet. We caught up…
October 25, 2020
Change your diet to burn more fat and get the lean body you’ve always dreamed of without following complex diets. These no-nonsense tips will help… 1. Stay Wholesome Nothing will hamper your progress more than…
October 11, 2020
Not getting the results you want despite exercising regularly? Make sure you’re doing enough and working at the right intensity. Here are some useful guidelines. Many people who exercise regularly don’t always get the results…
October 3, 2020
We’ve all been there – you’ve had a stressful day and before you know it out comes the wine and the chocolate. Turning to food to cope with stressful situations in our lives is a…
September 30, 2020
Trying to lose weight but can’t make your resolutions stick? Dump the quick-fix diet and achieve permanent change by taking baby steps instead. Words: Liz Hollis Slashing food intake to 800 calories a day, fasting…
September 22, 2020
Motivational coach Martin Kelly, a regular WF contributor, transformed his health by losing over 25kg of fat eight years ago and has kept the weight off. He shares his top motivational tips on losing weight…
September 15, 2020
Reaching for the sugar regularly can be a telling sign of certain behaviours and bodily needs that may need addressing, according to Dr Rachel Evans – a psychologist in eating disorder recovery. Here’s why you…
September 9, 2020
How often do you drink water during the day? Recent research, by Actiph Water found that 90 per cent of Brits are not drinking the NHS recommended six to eight glasses of fluids per day,…