This 10 minute ab workout – suitable for beginners, intermediates and advanced fitness levels – will tone not only your ‘six-pack’ muscles, but also the sides of your waist and those all-important deep core muscles that improve your posture and stability…

Don’t worry – we’re not about to start telling you that you need to get a flat tummy so your body is ‘summer ready’. Here at WF, we believe that every body is beautiful, and only needs a bikini on it to be called a ‘bikini body’. However, if you want to target your tummy and build stronger abs, you’re in the right place.

Below, we’ve rounded up some quick tips to help you target your abs in every day life, along with a 10 minute ab workout with variations for every fitness level – perfect for any fitness lover who is short on time. The following exercises will help to strengthen your abdominal muscles to improve your balance and stability, while also helping to carve a flatter tummy and more defined waist – IF that’s something you want!

6 tips to target your abs in everyday life

  1. Engage your core muscles in your daily life. Every time you bend down or reach up for something, switch them on by pulling your belly button towards your spine and keeping your abdominals tight.
  2. Stand up when you’re doing resistance exercises such as bicep curls and shoulder raises. This forces your core region to work harder to stabilise you.
  3. Think about your posture! Draw in your tummy, open up your chest, and drop your shoulders and ribcage to engage your abs and prevent back & shoulder pain.
  4. A gym ball is a star piece of kit for toning your abs. As well as using one during workouts, use it as an alternative to a chair.
  5. Try belly-dancing – it challenges your oblique muscles at the sides of the waist.
  6. Try our 10 minute ab workout!

10 minute ab workout: beginner

What to do: After warming up, move through this circuit twice, resting for 30 seconds between each exercise and for 30 seconds between circuits. No equipment required, other than a cushioned mat.

10 minute chest workout 10 minute ab workout

1. Side lunge with twist – 8 reps (each side alternating)

  • Stand with arms extended at shoulder height and hands clasped.
  • Step into aside lunge with your left leg, and rotate your torso and arms in the same direction. Keep your eyes on your hands.
  • Return to the start and repeat on the other side. Do 8 reps on each side.

Rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

2. Knees-up crunch – 8 reps (or as many as you can)

Benefits: This is the classic move for working your abdominals and core.

  • Lie on your back with your knees raised, so they’re at a 90˚ angle to your hips. Place your fingers on your temples, upper arms in line with your shoulders (A).
  • Contract your abs and press your lower back into the mat as you slowly lift your shoulder blades (B). Avoid jerking your head – the movement comes from your upper back.
  • Pause and slowly lower your upper body back to the mat. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.

Rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

3. Crossover touch and reach – 8 reps (each side alternating)

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, hands by your sides.
  • Bend forward from the hips and twist your torso while reaching for your right foot with your left hand. Meanwhile, extend your right arm up and look at your hand.
  • Return to the centre and repeat on the other side. Do 8 reps on each side

Rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

4. Side plank (right then left) – 30 seconds (each side)

Benefits: A plank with added benefits! This move will challenge your core muscles, arms and waist.

  • Lie on your side with your weight resting on your right elbow, keeping it directly below your shoulder. Place your left foot on top of the right – keep your feet flexed and your toes pointing forward.
  • Hold your body in a straight line from head to feet, making sure you keep your hips lifted throughout. Aim to hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

5. Lower body Russian twist – 5 reps (each side)

Benefits: Great for building strength in your lower and side abdominals.

  • Lie on a cushioned mat, extending your arms out at shoulder-height. Keep your legs together and hold your thighs vertically with your knees bent at 90° (A).
  • Twist your legs – still together – over to the left, making sure you don’t let your feet rest on the floor (B). Keep your focus on the ceiling and shoulders flat on the floor throughout.
  • Return to the start, then twist to the other side. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.

Rest for 30 seconds before starting the circuit again.

10 minute ab workout: intermediate

10 minute ab workout

What to do: With dumbbells and mat close by, try this powerful circuit three times over. Don’t rest between exercises – you have a one-minute break awaiting you after each circuit.

10 minute ab workout

1. Jumping jacks – 30 seconds

  • Stand with your feet together, hands by your sides and knees slightly bent.
  • Engage your abdominals and keep your eyes looking forwards.
  • Simultaneously jump and separate your legs, swinging your arms upward and touching them overhead.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

2. Bicycles – 30 seconds

Benefits: The added twist will work your obliques, in addition to your abdominals, upper body and core.

  • Lie on your back with your knees raised, so they’re at a 90˚ angle to your hips. Place your fingers on your temples, upper arms in line with your shoulders.
  • Slowly lift your shoulders off the mat, engaging your abdominals. Crunch up and bring your right elbow to your left knee, as you extend your right leg (A). Repeat on the other side (B). Aim to do eight to 15 reps on each side.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute chest workout at home women 10 minute ab workout

3. Squat to reach – 30 seconds

  • With your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, arms down by your sides and back straight, perform a simple squat.
  • Hold, then power up through your feet, straighten your legs and raise your arms above your head, keeping your eyes forward.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat for 30 seconds.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute back workout women best back exercises for women

4. Aquaman – 30 seconds

Benefits: This Pilates-style exercise works all your posterior muscles from your shoulders to your hamstrings.

  • Lie face-down on a mat with your arms stretched out in front of you, hands in line with your shoulders, and your toes pointed.
  • Keeping your pubic bone pressed down and your bum squeezed, gently lift your upper back, head and legs slightly off the mat.
  • Keeping your focus forwards, simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg a little
    higher (A).
  • Alternate arms and legs slowly in a swimming motion (B). Continue for 30 seconds.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

5. Dumbbell Russian twist – 30 seconds

Benefits: This dynamic rotation will test your core strength, arms and obliques (the muscles at the sides of your waist).

  • Sit on a mat, grasping one dumbbell in both hands, arms fully extended. Engaging your abdominals, move your upper body back so it’s at 45° to the floor. Your knees should be bent at a slightly shallower angle with your toes pointing upwards.
  • Keeping your spine straight and feet together, twist your torso from right (A) to left (B). Your focus should remain on the dumbbell throughout and your abs should control the momentum of the move.
  • Return to the starting position to complete one rep. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.

Rest for 1 minute, then repeat the circuit twice more. 

10 minute ab workout: advanced

10 minute ab workout

What to do: This workout for gym regulars comprises a four-part circuit, performed four times, plus an added side plank challenge. You’ll need your dumbbells and gym ball. Perform exercises one to four, then repeat three more times resting for 30 seconds between each circuit. Once you’ve completed the four circuits, do the two sets of planks.

10 minute ab workout

1. Dumbbell woodchop (left) – 12 reps

Benefits: A great all-rounder to prime your tum, waist, shoulders and back muscles.

  • Stand with your feet about a metre apart, toes pointing forward. Grasp your dumbbell with both hands.
  • Keeping your arms straight, twist up dynamically, bringing the dumbbell up beyond your left shoulder and pivoting on your right foot (A).
  • In a smooth movement, sweep your upper body down towards your right knee, bending your left knee as you move in a wood-chopping motion (B). Keep your head up.
  • Aim to do 12 reps.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

2. Gym ball crunch with twist – 12 reps (alternating)

Benefits: The addition of a gym ball tests your stabilising muscles and allows you to achieve a wider range of movement.

  • Lie back on a gym ball with your upper body supported. Your feet should be positioned below your hips, your fingers on your temples, upper arms in line with your shoulders.
  • Engage your core and slowly lift your upper body from the ball.
  • As you do so, twist your torso to the left.
  • Keep your neck in line with your spine throughout the movement. Repeat on the other side to complete a rep.
  • Aim to do eight to 15 reps.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

3. Dumbbell woodchop (right) – 12 reps

Benefits: A great all-rounder to prime your tum, waist, shoulders and back muscles.

  • Stand with your feet about a metre apart, toes pointing forward. Grasp your dumbbell with both hands.
  • Keeping your arms straight, twist up dynamically, bringing the dumbbell up beyond your right shoulder and pivoting on your left foot (A).
  • In a smooth movement, sweep your upper body down towards your left knee, bending your right knee as you move in a wood-chopping motion (B). Keep your head up.
  • Aim to do 12 reps.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

10 minute ab workout

4. Gym ball jackknife – 12 reps

Benefits: A wonder for your abdominals, waist, shoulders, core and under-exercised hip flexors.

  • Kneeling on all fours with a gym ball behind you, engage your core and place the top of your feet on the ball one at a time. Straighten your legs and keep your arms straight, with your hands a little more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your elbows slightly – there should be a straight line from your head to your toes (A).
  • Bend your knees towards your chest, trying to keep your upper body and head stable (B). Pause and extend your legs back to the outstretched position to complete one rep. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.

Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat exercises 1-4 three more times. Then, move on to the plank challenge below.

10 minute ab workout

5. Side plank (left) – 1 minute

Benefits: A plank with added benefits! This move will challenge your core muscles, arms and waist.

  • Lie on your side with your weight resting on your right elbow, keeping it directly below your shoulder. Place your left foot on top of the right – keep your feet flexed and your toes pointing forward.
  • Hold your body in a straight line from head to feet, making sure you keep your hips lifted throughout. Aim to hold for one minute.

Move straight on to the next exercise.

6. Side plank (right) – 1 minute

Repeat the above instructions on the other side. Hold for one minute.

  1. Pilates ab workout: best exercises for a strong core
  2. Cardio abs workout: burn belly fat and tone your midriff [VIDEO]
  3. 10 minute bum workout for women