A pert, peachy bum is top of many a fitness wish list. Although you can’t alter its natural shape, there’s plenty you can do to shed fat and reveal a more defined, sculpted derrière. This 10 minute bum workout – with variations for beginner, intermediate and advanced fitness levels – challenges your gluteal muscle group, to lift and tone your behind…
6 quick tips to tone your bum
- Take the stairs and walk uphill. You won’t firm up your bottom unless you’re walking against resistance.
- Beware ‘chair bottom’. Don’t sit down when you don’t need to. Did you know one in five adults spend over 30 hours a week marooned on their sofas?
- Tone your skin by dry-brushing. Using a natural bristle, brush your skin before your bath or shower – and don’t neglect your bum. Brush in an upward direction from your calves towards your heart.
- Imagine you have a £20 note between your bum cheeks. Gently keep hold of it by maintaining some ‘tone’ in your buttocks, but don’t over-clench.
- Think about your posture. If you let your tummy sag out and pelvis tip forward, your gluteals (bottom muscles) are ‘on stretch’ and aren’t working. Keep your pelvis in neutral, slightly tipped back, tummy engaged.
- Take up kickboxing. Kicks to the back, front and side target your bottom from all directions. You’ll burn fat too.
- Try one of our 10 minute bum workouts below!
Which 10 minute bum workout is right for me?
If you’re a complete newbie to glute-toning exercises, try out our 10 minute beginner bum workout. If you’ve been working on your glutes for the past few months, you’re probably more suited to the intermediate circuit. Or, if you’re a practiced pro with buns of steel, head down to the bottom of the page for our advanced bum workout..
10-Minute Bum Workout: Beginner

What to do: After warming up your muscles, perform this circuit twice, resting for one minute between each circuit. Finish with some stretching.

1. Alternating split deadlift – 6 reps (each leg)
- Stand with your arms by your sides, then step forward with your left leg.
- Keeping a slight bend in both knees, lean over your leading leg and extend your arms down, making sure to lean from your hips and keep your spine straight.
- Return to the start and repeat on the right side. Do 6 reps on each side.
Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise.

2. Clock lunge (clockwise) – 1 rep (10 lunges)
Benefits: Works your lower body in all three planes of movement to sculpt your gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, and inner and outer thighs.
- Lunge forward at 12 o’clock with your right foot until your right knee is bent at 90° (A). Return to a standing position.
- Continue lunging with your right leg at two o’clock (B), three o’clock (C), five o’clock (D) and six o’clock (E).
- Now switch to lunging with your left leg, starting at six o’clock (stepping backwards) and working round the clock – seven o’clock, nine o’clock, 10 o’clock and 12 o’clock – until you are back at the start.
- One complete rep means doing 10 lunges in total.
Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise.

3. Donkey kick – 6 reps (each leg)
Benefits: Brilliant for your gluteals, abdominals and the lower section of your back.
- Get on your hands and knees on a mat, with your hands below your shoulders and hips and knees aligned. Don’t dip or raise your head – keep your spine straight.
- Engaging your abdominals, lift your left leg up from the floor, knee bent and foot pointed to the ceiling (A). Hold, then extend the leg further upwards (B). Keep your upper body stable throughout the movement.
- Return to the start position, then switch to the right leg. Aim to do 6 reps on each leg.
Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise.

4. Clock lunge (anticlockwise) – 1 rep (10 lunges)
Follow the same steps as above (2), but this time starting with your left leg and moving anticlockwise.
- Lunge forward at 12 o’clock with your left foot until your right knee is bent at 90° (A). Return to a standing position.
- Continue lunging with your left leg at 10 o’clock (B), nine o’clock (C), seven o’clock (D) and six o’clock (E).
- Now switch to lunging with your right leg, starting at six o’clock (stepping backwards) and working round the clock – five o’clock, three o’clock, two o’clock and 12 o’clock – until you are back at the start.
- One complete rep means doing 10 lunges in total.
Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise.

5. Lying lateral leg kick – 6 reps (each leg)
Benefits: Great for your outer thighs and quadriceps, as well as your abdominals.
- Lie on your right side, propping your head up on your right elbow. Your feet should be flexed so you’re able to see your toes.
- Using your left hand to stabilise you, engage your core and move your top leg backwards (A). Keep your hips stable throughout – don’t swing your body. Keep your head still and focus straight ahead.
- Move your leg in front of you to complete one rep (B). Aim to do 6 reps on each leg.
Rest for 1 minute before starting the circuit once again from the beginning.
10-Minute Bum Workout Intermediate

What to do: This workout comprises a giant set – three exercises combined – sandwiched between two sets of clock lunges. You’ll do three giant sets in all, resting 30 seconds between each, and the high intensity will help raise your metabolism and torch fat.

1. Clock lunge – 2 reps (both directions, 20 lunges)
- Lunge forward at 12 o’clock with your right foot until your right knee is bent at 90° (A). Return to a standing position.
- Continue lunging with your right leg at two o’clock (B), three o’clock (C), five o’clock (D) and six o’clock (E).
- Now switch to lunging with your left leg, starting at six o’clock (stepping backwards) and working round the clock – seven o’clock, nine o’clock, 10 o’clock and 12 o’clock – until you are back at the start.
- One complete rep means doing 10 lunges in total.
- Then, reverse the movement so you start with your left leg, moving anticlockwise.
- Lunge forward at 12 o’clock with your left foot until your right knee is bent at 90° (A). Return to a standing position.
- Continue lunging with your left leg at 10 o’clock (B), nine o’clock (C), seven o’clock (D) and six o’clock (E).
- Now switch to lunging with your right leg, starting at six o’clock (stepping backwards) and working round the clock – five o’clock, three o’clock, two o’clock and 12 o’clock – until you are back at the start.
Rest for 1 minute before moving on to the next exercise.

2. Jumping jacks – 30 seconds
- Stand with your feet together, hands by your sides and knees slightly bent. Engage your abdominals and keep your eyes looking forwards.
- Simultaneously jump and separate your legs, swinging your arms upward and touching them overhead. Repeat this jumping movement quickly for 30 seconds.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

3. Gym ball bridge – 8 reps (hold each for 3 counts)
Benefits: This exercise will tone up your abdominals and gluteals, and strengthen your lower back. The gym ball adds an extra dimension.
- Lie on a mat with your calves resting on a gym ball, buttocks down and arms on the floor by your sides (A).
- Raise your bum until there’s a straight line between your ankles and your shoulders (B).
- Focus on the ceiling throughout. Hold for a count of three and lower your hips back down to the floor.
- Aim to do eight reps.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

4. Lying lateral kick – 6 reps (each leg)
Benefits: Great for your outer thighs and quadriceps, as well as your abdominals.
- Lie on your right side, propping your head up on your right elbow. Your feet should be flexed so you’re able to see your toes.
- Using your left hand to stabilise you, engage your core and move your top leg backwards (A). Keep your hips stable throughout – don’t swing your body. Keep your head still and focus straight ahead.
- Move your leg in front of you to complete one rep (B). Aim to do 6 reps on each leg.
Rest for 1 minute before moving on to the next exercise.

5. Clock lunge – 2 reps (both directions, 20 lunges)
Repeat the instructions in exercise 1. Move clockwise then anticlockwise, completing 20 lunges altogether.
10-Minute Bum Workout Advanced

What to do: Grab your dumbbells, gym ball and Step or bench for this high-octane circuit. Perform it three times, moving seamlessly from one exercise to the next, resting for one minute after each circuit.

1. Sledgehammer – 10 reps
Benefits: Works the legs, gluteals, hip flexors, core and shoulders, and also raises the heart rate.
- Hold one dumbbell in both hands and, keeping your core engaged, bend at the hips and knees. Gently swing the dumbbell back between your legs, keeping a flat back throughout (A).
- Using momentum, swing the dumbbell forwards and upwards, straightening your hips and knees at the same time.
- Allow the dumbbell to swing up to an overhead position, ensuring you keep the weight under control (B).
- Lower the dumbbell back down between your legs to complete one repetition. Aim to do between eight and 15 repetitions.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

2. Gym ball single leg curl – 5 reps (each leg)
Benefits: A great multi-taser exercise that works your lower body and core.
- Lie on a cushioned mat, with your calves resting on top of a gym ball, feet together and your arms by your sides. Your neck and shoulders should be relaxed.
- Engaging your abs, raise your hips and lift your left leg (A), then bend your right knee and drag the ball towards your bum with your right heel (B). Keep your spine lifted from the floor and straight throughout.
- Pause for a moment at the top of the move, then straighten your right leg again by pushing the ball. Return your left leg to the ball, and repeat on the opposite side. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

3. Side step up with lateral raise – 5 reps (each leg)
Benefits: This exercise will test your arms and shoulders, as well as your gluteals and coordination.
- Stand right side on to a bench or step.
- Step onto the bench with your right leg and push up (A). As you bring your left leg up, power it out to the left and raise your arms to shoulder height (B). Keep your focus and feet forwards.
- Step down to the same side to complete one rep. Aim to do eight to 10 reps on each leg.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

4. Donkey kick – 5 reps (each leg)
Benefits: Brilliant for your gluteals, abdominals and the lower section of your back.
- Get on your hands and knees on a mat, with your hands below your shoulders and hips and knees aligned. Don’t dip or raise your head – keep your spine straight.
- Engaging your abdominals, lift your left leg up from the floor, knee bent and foot pointed to the ceiling (A). Hold, then extend the leg further upwards (B). Keep your upper body stable throughout the movement.
- Return to the start position, then switch to the right leg. Aim to do 5 reps on each leg.
Move straight on to the next exercise.

5. Dumbbell lunge with twist – 10 reps (alternating sides)
Benefits: This exercise targets the hamstrings, legs, gluteals and sides of the body, as well as building power and coordination.
- Stand in a neutral position, grasping a dumbbell with two hands at shoulder height (A).
- Take a dynamic step forward with your right foot, lunging down (B). Then, keeping the dumbbell at shoulder height, twist to your right – your focus should move with your torso (C).
- Return to the starting position. Aim to do eight to 15 reps.
Rest for 1 minute, before completing the whole circuit two more times.