Working your legs will give you stronger thighs and calves, while also lifting your butt and improving your stability. Learn how to tone your legs with this at-home workout…
Want to learn how to tone your legs without the intimidating gym machines? This beginner-friendly leg-toning workout requires minimal equipment and can be performed at home. All you need to get started is an exercise mat and a stability ball.
Am I beginner, intermediate or advanced?
For each exercise on this leg-toning workout, we’ve included a varying numbers of reps per set depending on your level: beginner, intermediate or advanced.
Not sure which level you are? Generally speaking, a beginner is relatively new to leg strengthening exercises (two months or less), an intermediate exerciser will have been doing similar exercises for two to six months, while an advanced exerciser will have been training for six months or more.
How often should you perform this workout to tone your legs?
For the best results when learning how to tone your legs, complete this at-home workout two to three times a week, allowing two days between each workout, resting for 30-45 seconds between each set.
Toning and strengthening workout for your legs
Area trained: Front thighs
- Place a Stability Ball against a wall and rest against it, facing away from the wall so your lower back is supported and your hips and knees are bent to 90 degrees.
- Hold this position for the allotted time, then pulse up and down 2 inches, 10 times, finally holding the position again for the allotted time.
Beginner: 1 set of 20 secs
Intermediate: 2 sets of 20 secs
Advanced: 2 sets of 30 secs

Areas trained: Rear thighs, bottom and lower back
- Begin lying on your back, feet resting on a Stability Ball, arms by your sides for support.
- Lift your hips to form a straight line between your knees and shoulders.
- Maintaining this position, bend your knees to roll the ball towards you.
- Slowly straighten your knees and lower your hips to the floor, and repeat.
Beginner: 2 sets of 8
Intermediate: 2 sets of 10
Advanced: 2 sets of 12

Areas trained: Rear thighs, bottom and front thighs
- Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Lift your left leg off the floor, then hinge forward from the hips keeping your back straight and taking your left leg behind you, arms extended.
- Return to standing, taking a large step forward with your left leg.
- Lunge down, ensuring your left knee stays behind your toes and your torso upright, so your right knee is just above the floor.
- Push through your left foot, bringing both feet together to stand again and repeat, alternating between forward bends and lunges to complete one set.
Beginner: 2 sets of 8 (each leg)
Intermediate: 2 sets of 10 (each leg)
Advanced: 2 sets of 12 (each leg)

Areas trained: Inner, outer and front thighs, bottom, shoulders and core
- Starting from a plank position, jump your feet forwards towards your hands bending your knees.
- Jump your feet back to the start to complete one rep and repeat
Beginners: 2 sets of 10
Intermediate: 2 sets of 12
Advanced: 2 sets of 15

Areas trained: Rear thighs and bottom
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, just resting on your thighs.
- Bend forwards from the hips, taking your left leg straight behind you, lowering the dumbbells to mid-shin.
- Return to standing, hinging from the hips, then repeat to complete one set. Change legs to complete a second set.
Tip: Keep your legs, arms and back straight, chest out and shoulders back throughout the exercise
Beginners: 1 set of 10-12 (each leg)
Intermediate: 1 set of 12-15 (each leg)
Advanced: 1 set of 15-20 (each leg)

Areas trained: Front thighs and bottom
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips.
- Bend your hips and knees and squat down as if you were going to sit on a chair behind you, without leaning forward excessively from the hips.
- Quickly straighten your legs, jumping as high as you can, landing softly then returning to standing and repeating.
Tip: To increase the difficulty, hold a dumbbell or weight in each hand, keeping your arms by your sides throughout.
Beginner: 2 sets of 8
Intermediate: 2 sets of 10
Advanced: 2 sets of 12