Personal trainer Jayne Brockwell shares the best exercises to help you learn how to tighten and tone your upper arms fast…
With leg day, cardio sessions and spin classes often stealing the limelight, our arms can sometimes be forgotten when it comes to working out. However, learning how to strengthen your upper arms leave you better equipped to handle the weight of everyday life – from carrying the groceries to picking up your children. Plus, you’ll be left with toned, smoother-looking arms – win win!
If you want to learn how to tone your arms in a matter of weeks, you’re in luck – personal trainer Jayne Brockwell is here with the best exercises to target and tone your upper arms fast…
6 best exercises to tone your upper arms fast

Press-up with shoulder touch (10 reps)
Areas worked: full upper body and core
- Begin in a push-up position (either the full push-up or on your knees), with your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Bend your arms to lower your chest towards the floor, without allowing your back to arch.
- Straighten your arms to return to the start, lifting your right hand off the floor and bringing it to touch your left shoulder.
- Return your hand to the floor and repeat, lifting the left arm with the next rep.

Shadow boxing (30 reps)
Areas worked: full upper body and core
- Begin in a boxer’s stance with your left foot forwards, right foot back, holding a light weight in each hand, either side of your chin.
- Quickly straighten your right arm, jabbing your hand out in front of you. Bend the arm to return to the start.
- Quickly straighten your left arm, punching straight in front of you.
- Come onto the ball of your back foot and pivot slightly as you punch to generate more power. This counts as one rep.

Plank transfer (10 reps)
Areas worked: full upper body and core
- Begin in an elbow plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders, your body in a straight line from head to toes.
- Place your right hand then your left hand on the floor and straighten your arms to come into the top of a push-up position.
- Reverse the movement to return to the start and repeat, leading with the other arm.
Hammer curls (15 reps each arm)
Areas worked: front of upper arms
- Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand with your arms by your sides.
- Keeping your elbows tucked into your body, slowly raise one dumbbell, bending at the elbow until the head of the dumbbell touches the front of your shoulder.
- Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
- This counts as one rep.
Kickbacks (2 sets of 15 reps on each arm)
Areas worked: rear of upper arms
- Begin standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in one hand. Bend forwards at the hips, back straight, then bend your right elbow to 90 degrees keeping your upper arm pressed against your side – this is your starting position.
- Slowly straighten your elbow and return to the starting position. This is one rep.
- Complete 15 reps on one side and then switch to the other side.

Shoulder press (2 sets of 15 reps)
Areas worked: Shoulders
- Begin standing, holding a dumbbell in each hand, just above your shoulders, with palms facing forwards. In this position your back should be neutral, with abs engaged, glutes contracted and knees straight but not locked.
- Extend your arms straight upwards, bringing your upper arms by your ears and pause for a count of one. Slowly reverse the movement to return to the start.
- This is one rep. The lifting and lowering parts of the movement should each take two seconds to complete
Jayne Brockwell is an experienced PT and owner of the Happy Health Hub, a friendly online fitness community for women in midlife who want to make a positive change. Visit
Model: Jayne Brockwell | Photos: @marcelgphotography