Want to boost your performance and decrease your injury risk? This butt-building glute workout from FBF Collective founder, Flo Seabright, is just the ticket…

By Lucy Miller

Did you know that there’s more to strong glutes than a great-looking butt? Your glutes are a huge muscle group that deserve some attention. Why? Because dedicating some time to a glute workout will have a positive impact on your posture, strength and power, plus decrease the chance of you getting lower back pain or knee issues.

Enter our butt-building glute workout. This training session is designed to target the glute muscles, part of what is known as the ‘posterior chain’ group. The posterior chain group also includes the hamstrings and back muscles, and many of these exercises will help improve strength throughout the entire area.

Methodology is key. Within this glute workout, we have focused on a mix of bilateral (both limbs) and unilateral (single limb) movements, using bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells and a barbell. We’ve also used the superset method (performing two exercises back-to-back without rest in-between sets).

These moves will really challenge your strength and stability. Take time to tweak your technique before increasing weight – good form will reduce your risk of injury and ensure you target the right muscle groups. Get ready to feel the burn…

At-home glute workout


Reps: 10-12 Sets: 2-3

This works your posterior chain, including your hamstrings and glutes, as well as your core. It’s a great way to get your muscles activated before diving into the workout.

  • Lie with feet hip-width apart and heels close to your bum.
  • Focus on lengthening your spine and engaging your core and then, whilst keeping your hips level, lift one foot off the floor so you have a 90° bend at the hip and knee joints.

glute workout

  • Tuck your pelvis under as you push your hips towards the ceiling. Don’t overextend at the top of the movement; make sure you have a nice straight line from your shoulder to your knee, with your core engaged and glutes squeezed.
  • If you struggle to feel your glutes working, drive through your heels and keep your pelvis tucked under throughout. Slowly roll back down to the floor, repeat 10-12 times, and then switch sides.



Reps: 8-10 Sets: 3

A great compound (multi-muscle) exercise that primarily targets your posterior chain. Superset this move with the front-foot-elevated split squat.

  • Stand in the middle of a hex bar with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Send your hips back and bend your knees until you have found a position that encourages a large hinge at the hip and a nice straight back. Then, grab onto the bar, with your weight back in your heels.

  • Brace your core, roll your shoulders back and stand up holding the trap bar (B). Breathe out, keeping your core tight and glutes engaged. Breathing is key to making sure you are bracing your core.
  • Send your hips back and bend your knees to return to the starting position, then repeat.
  • If you feel lower back pain, reset your position and focus on a strong hip hinge while pushing your weight into your heels.

Top tip: New to this move? Perfect your technique using just the trap bar first. Start with 5kg bumper plates – and don’t be afraid to do a few warm-up sets.



Reps: 8-12 Sets: 3

Targets your glutes and provides a unilateral challenge that improves stability and control. Superset this move with the trap bar deadlift.

Start with your front foot on a small elevation such as a plate or low step. Your back foot should be behind you, on the floor, with your heel elevated. Don’t cross your back foot too far behind – imagine your feet are on train tracks, not a tightrope!

  • Hold a set of dumbbells in either hand. Choose a weight that allows you to properly control your form. Take a slight lean forward.
  • Bend your knees, taking your back knee towards the floor, sending your hips back slightly so that the dumbbells lower down on either side of your front foot.

glute workout

  • Keep your core tight and shoulders retracted before driving back up through the front foot to come back to standing.
  • Think about the tempo – aim to take 2-3 seconds as you lower.



Reps: 8-12 Sets: 3

Hip thrusts are a fantastic way to target your glutes with heavier loads – you can lift more than you think! Superset this exercise with the single-leg Romanian deadlift.

  • Find a box at a height that can be positioned underneath your shoulder blades when sitting on the floor with the barbell over your legs, heels close to your bum.
  • With your hands on the barbell, press it away from you by tucking your pelvis under and driving your hips up towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes at the top.

glute workout

  • Keep your chin tucked, looking towards the barbell the whole time, and imagine you are driving into your heels as you push your hips high.
  • In this position, there should be a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, with your ankles placed directly under your knees and your ribs tucked down.
  • Lower with control back to the starting position and repeat the movement.



Reps: 10-12 Sets: 3

This exercise will provide a fantastic unilateral challenge that targets the hamstrings through their lengthened position. Superset this exercise with the barbell hip thrust.

  • Start with both feet on the ground at about shoulder-width apart, with your dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand and knees soft.
  • Take your right foot back slightly, moving onto your toes in a staggered stance. Keep most of your weight forward on the front foot and use your back foot for extra stability.
  • Fold at the hips, sending your bum towards the back wall and making sure not to bend your knees too much.
  • As you lower down, push your hips back and let the weight trace down your front standing leg – you should feel a stretch in the hamstrings.

glute workout

  • Take a 90° tabletop position, keeping your back straight and weight back, then contract your hamstrings and glutes to bring you back up to standing. Repeat 10-12 times, then swap sides.


Reps: 12-15 Sets: 3

Finish the workout with a dynamic movement that will improve power through your glutes.

  • Start with the kettlebell on the floor, standing slightly back with your hands on the weight and a nice flat spine. This is similar to your deadlift position, except with a reach forward towards the kettlebell.

  • Swing the kettlebell back between your legs, before driving your hips forward in a thrust-like movement. Try to imagine the movement as a pendulum that is initiated by the movement in your hips. Swing the kettlebell up to about the height of your belly button.

glute workout

  • As the kettlebell swings back between your legs, keep your back straight and stick your bum out towards the back wall, folding at your hips before repeating the move.
  • Remember that your glutes and hips are the primary drivers. If you feel lower back pain, drop the weight and reset your technique.

Top tip: Find a load that you can control but that adds momentum to the movement. Try starting with a 10-12kg kettlebell and work up from there.

Click here for a full-body ‘primal movement’ workout!