Strengthen, tighten and tone your bum, hips and hamstrings with this 10 minute Pilates glute workout you can do at home…
Your bottom contains one of the largest muscles in your body – the gluteus maximus. Known as a ‘global’ muscle, it’s responsible for creating movement. Beneath it are lesser known muscles, called ‘local’ or ‘stabiliser’ muscles that help stabilise your pelvis.
Pilates works both global and local muscles, helping your body to move as nature intended and keeping it strong and balanced with a firm bottom as a bonus!
Sitting on your behind for a large part of the day can create a weak and flabby bot. Pilates can help prevent this. For a strong and functioning behind, focus on each movement and think about the muscle that’s working. These Pilates glute exercises work on strengthening your glutes and hamstrings as well as the stabiliser muscles of your bottom and hips.
Pay attention to the training tips thruoghout this 10 minute Pilates glute workout, since a very simple adjustment, such as rotating your foot and leg outwards, will make a big difference to the results.
10 minute Pilates glute workout
TIP: Remember to warm up before your workout ad cool down afterwards.
1. Crab walk
3 sets of 10 reps on each side
Benefits: strengthens and sculpts your outer hips and bottom.

- Stand with your feet and knees hip-width apart. Tie a band around your legs just above your ankles ensuring there is no slack in this position. Place your hands on your hips and draw your shoulders back and down.
- Take 10 steps to the right, keeping your upper body still – no rocking!
- Take 10 steps back to the left.
- Now rotate your legs outwards so that your toes point out to the sides and repeat 10 steps each way.
- Finally rotate your legs inwards so that your toes turn in and repeat 10 steps each way.
- As you get stronger, and if time allows, you can perform two to three sets of each of the exercises.
Top tips:
- Keep your head and shoulders as straight as possible.
- Try to keep your waist lengthened as you move and your spine in neutral.
2. Oyster 1 & 2
12 reps on each side
Benefits: strengthens and tightens your hips and bottom and stabilises your pelvis.

Part 1
- Lie on your right side, with your head on your outstretched arm and both knees bent.
- Exhale, engage navel to spine and open your left knee – like a book opening – keeping your hips still and stacked.
- Inhale to close.
- Repeat 12 times.

Part 2
- Now repeat the same exercise but this time lift both feet off the floor with each repetition.
- Complete 12 repetitions.
- Now change to your left side and repeat part 1 and 2 on your right leg.
Top tips:
- Keep your hips stacked one on top of the other.
- Make sure that your top hip stays completely still as you open.
- Tie the flex band around your knees with just a little slack in the closed position.
- Repeat the steps above against the resistance of the band.
3. Single leg bridge
10 reps on each side
Benefits: strengthens your glutes, hamstrings and pelvic stabilisers and balances your hip joints.

- Lie on your back with your feet and knees hip-width apart.
- Exhale, engage navel to spine and use your glutes to lift your hips up in the air so that you form a straight line from your knee to hip to shoulder.
- Inhale, and keep a neutral spine and your pelvis level.
- Exhale to lift one foot off the floor. Inhale to place it back down maintaining a level pelvis throughout.
- Work alternate sides for 10 reps each.
Top tips:
- Keep your tailbone slightly tucked under to prevent your lower back from arching.
- Imagine you have a spirit level on your hips to help you stay level.
- If you feel that your hamstring might cramp, stop and stretch.
- Lift your hips up as before and then lift your right leg to a table top.
- Lower and lift your hips up and down eight to 10 times working the left glute/hamstring.
- Replace your foot to the floor and lower your hips back down.
- Repeat on the other side for eight to 10 times.
4. Heel squeeze prone
8 breaths
Benefits: lifts and tightens your bottom.

- Lie face down with your forehead supported on the back of your hands.
- Take your legs wide apart and bend your knees, bringing your heels together like a frog’s legs.
- Keep your spine in neutral by slightly tucking your tailbone under by pressing your pubic bone into the mat and keep your core engaged.
- Inhale to prepare.
- Exhale and squeeze your heels together, squeezing your bottom tightly.
- Repeat eight long, slow breaths.
- To increase the intensity, lengthen your knees off the floor as you squeeze.
Top tips:
- Keep your spine in neutral throughout, and your abdominals drawn in.
- Think of lengthening through the front of your thighs as you squeeze.
5. Reverse kick
12 reps straight and 12 reps bent on each side
Benefits: tightens and tones your bottom and hamstrings and strengthens your shoulders and core.

- Come on to all fours, then lower down on to your elbows. Your elbows should be under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
- Keeping your shoulders away from your ears, draw navel to spine and straighten out your left leg.
- Inhale to prepare.
- Exhale and use your bottom and hamstrings to lift your left leg, keeping your spine in neutral.
- Lift and lower your leg 12 times and on the last repetition hold your leg in the up position and pulse 12 times.
- Now bend the left leg and exhale to press the sole of the foot up towards the ceiling 12 times.
- Repeat on the right leg.
Top tips:
- Keep your abdominals drawn in and your spine in neutral throughout.
- Try to keep your knee straight and think of lifting from your bottom.