December 7, 2023
How to beat the winter blues: 7 health & fitness tips
With temperatures falling and the nights drawing in, we show you the best ways to beat the winter blues through simple fitness, nutrition and lifestyle changes...
December 7, 2023
With temperatures falling and the nights drawing in, we show you the best ways to beat the winter blues through simple fitness, nutrition and lifestyle changes...
June 27, 2023
June 21, 2023
It's an age-old question, yet one many of us often ask: should I work out in the morning or evening? We caught up with the experts to discover the best time of day to exercise...
May 17, 2023
Take your workout to a new level with the best slam ball exercises for an explosive workout that will build strength and endurance.
March 1, 2023
Want to get the best results from your workout? Then think about what and when you eat after training. Nutritionist Christine Bailey discusses the importance of smart post-workout nutrition for women… Ever heard the expression…
February 9, 2023
January 31, 2023
January 12, 2023
You might groan when your class instructor or personal trainer dishes them out, but this classic four-point move will hit every muscle in your body and increase your heart rate for better fitness and conditioning.…
January 10, 2023
December 29, 2022
Feeling down and dreary? Pep yourself up with these core five Classical Pilates moves that will boost the mood and mind...
December 8, 2022
Stressed? Stay cool throughout the festive period with one of these stress-relief workouts from fitness expert Dean Zwech...