November 7, 2022
September 26, 2022
Premature ageing causes: 7 reasons you look older
January 30, 2022
Suzanne Shaw: ‘Going sober changed my life’
Singer and West End star, Suzanne Shaw, explains how going sober changed her life, before telling us all about her new wellbeing community… By Joanna Ebsworth What inspired your health transformation? Suzanne Shaw: ‘I was…
January 26, 2022
How alcohol affects your health, fitness and weight
Stats show that 6.5 million of us banned the booze last Dry January. Nutritionist Christine Bailey reveals how reducing your alcohol consumption could improve your health, fitness and sports performance, while also helping you lose…
July 7, 2021
Hangover-busting workout (plus nutrition advice!)
Feeling a little sensitive this morning? Get ready to cure your hangover with this hangover-busting workout from bulk ambassador and personal trainer Ciara London. We’ve also got some great hangover cure nutrition tips from bulk…
November 9, 2020
How to cut back on booze
Have you been drinking more since the pandemic started? Dr Juliet McGrattan looks at the drinking habits of the UK population and suggests how to cut back. Multiple surveys during lockdown showed that people in…