Getting strong for the outdoors sometimes starts by doing the leg work indoors – so boost your runs with this strength-training workout for runners.

The only way to run faster and harder is to run more, right? Well, not exactly. You also need leg strength. Running will build cardiovascular ability as well as endurance in the legs, but the more developed your leg muscles are with a decent strength-training workout for runners, the more efficiently they’ll be able to use oxygen.

This means that they’ll carry you further for longer, and help you to tackle those hills and inclines with greater ease. The muscles and ligaments surrounding the delicate knees and ankles will also be stronger, helping you to stay free from injury as well as be more aligned.

Add this strength-training workout for runners to your normal run-training plan once a week to power up your striding strength, reinforce your joints and keep your legs lasting longer.

How to do this strength-training workout for runners

All levels: 3 x 10 reps each move


  • Rest a barbell across your shoulders (A). Take a big step forward, bending both knees to 90 degrees (B).
  • Push through your front heel back to the start and repeat, stepping forward with the opposite leg.
  • Alternate legs with each rep.

Top tip: Keep your chest facing forward and your shoulders back.

Single-leg squat

  • Stand on one leg and extend the other in front of you (A).
  • Bend the hips and supporting knee, push your bottom out behind you and squat as low as is comfortable (B).
  • Push up to the start and repeat.
  • Complete a full set on each leg.


  • Stand on your right leg with your left leg crossed behind it, a few inches off the floor (A).
  • Leap as far to the left as possible (B), landing on your left leg with your right leg crossed behind it, a few inches off the floor (C).
  • This is one rep. Repeat fluidly.


  • Rest a barbell across your shoulders (A).
  • Bend your knees and hips, pushing your bottom back to squat as low as you find comfortable (B).
  • Push back up to the start and repeat.

Split squat

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place one foot on a bench behind you and the other about a foot in front of your body (A).
  • Bend your front leg to lower your body as far as you find comfortable (B), then push back up to the start. Repeat.
  • Complete a full set on each leg.

How to improve your running performance

Stiff-leg deadlift

  • Lay a barbell in front of you.
  • Keeping your knees soft but straight, lean over and take hold of the barbell (A).
  • Stand up (B). Slowly lower the weights back down until your hands are level with the middle of your shins. Repeat.

Top tip: Keep your chest up and shoulders back.

Hamstring curl

  • Lie on the floor with your feet resting on a stability ball.
  • Lift your back off the floor so your body forms a straight line (A), then roll the ball towards your bottom (B).
  • Reverse the movement and repeat.

Single-leg deadlift

  • Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and stand with your weight on your right leg (A).
  • Keeping your right leg and back straight, bend forward at the hip to lower the dumbbell toward your foot, raising your left leg behind you to balance (B).
  • Lift back up to the start and repeat. Complete a full set on each leg.

Top tip: Don’t arch your upper back as you lower the dumbbell.