This combination workout from Jericho McMatthews and Elise Joan will help you torch calories and carve lean muscle, thanks to the FIRE workout, before improving your stability and mobility with the FLOW workout..
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FIRE workout

Reps: 45 seconds, 3 sets
Benefits: Enhances lateral mobility and lower-body strength, while targeting the core and training it to better support the spine by resisting rotational movement.
- Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointed forward. Hold a dumbbell by the handle in both hands in a racked position (elbows tucked, dumbbell parallel to the floor) in front of your right shoulder.
- Keeping your core engaged, back flat, right leg straight and upper body facing forward, take a large step out to your left with your left foot, chopping down with the dumbbell to the outside of your left knee as you lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Reverse the movement to return to the standing position, racking the dumbbell at your left shoulder. Repeat, this time stepping out to your right and chopping the dumbbell down to the outside of your right knee. Continue alternating sides with each rep.

Reps: 45 seconds, 3 sets
Benefits: Builds explosive power and dynamic stability, while strengthening every muscle below the waist.
- Start in a low squat (back flat, core engaged, feet hip-width apart, thighs parallel to the floor) with your elbows bent and forearms crossed in front of you in an ‘X’. This is the starting position.
- Maintaining the low squat, hop your feet quickly out sideways and back, then explode upward, jumping into the air as you spread your legs and drive your arms down to your sides.
- Land softly, immediately dropping into the starting position to begin your next rep.

Reps: 45 seconds, 3 sets
Benefits: Increases lower-body power and agility, while enhancing muscular endurance.
- Start in a quarter squat (back flat, core engaged, knees bent slightly, feet hip-width apart) with your elbows bent and hands up in an athletic ‘ready’ position.
- Keeping your upper body facing forward, quickly jump up and twist only your lower body to the left, landing with your right foot forward in a ‘snowboarder’ stance.
- Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Repeat, this time twisting to your right. Continue alternating directions with each rep.

Reps: 45 seconds, 3 sets
Benefits: Develops coordination and balance through a combination of movements that target multiple muscle groups and build total-body strength and grip power.
- Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length by your sides. This is the starting position.
- Keeping your back flat and core engaged, step backward with your right leg into a lunge, simultaneously curling the weights toward your shoulders with a supinated (palms-up) grip and lowering your body until both knees are bent about 90 degrees (don’t let your rear knee touch the floor).
- Hold this position as you lower the dumbbells until your elbows are bent to 90 degrees, and then rotate the dumbbells so that your hands are in a neutral, palms-in ‘gunslinger’ position (think, hammer curl).
- Pause, and then curl the dumbbells back toward your shoulders with a supinated grip. Lower them all the way to your sides as you push off with your back leg to return to the starting position.
- Repeat, this time stepping back with your left leg. Continue alternating legs with each rep.
FLOW workout

Reps: 45 seconds, 3 sets
Benefits: Enhances hip mobility, overall co-ordination and upper-body strength, through a co-ordinated series of total-body movements.
- Stand tall with a resistance loop around both wrists, your arms extended straight out in front of you and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull your wrists apart enough to create tension in the loop.
- Keeping your right leg straight, lean to your left slightly as you rotate your left knee inward, pivoting on the ball of your left foot as you rotate your hands clockwise, so that the loop is now vertical and your left hand is above your right hand (imagine that you’re turning a steering wheel).
- Repeat to your opposite side. Continue alternating sides with each rep.

Reps: 20 reps, 3 sets
Benefits: Increases flexibility and shoulder mobility, in addition to strengthening the core
- Stand tall with your arms by your sides and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Keeping your right arm by your side and your right leg straight, step in place with your left foot and rotate your left knee inward slightly as you reach up and to your left with your left hand.
- Repeat to your opposite side. Continue alternating sides with each rep

Reps: 10 reps (per side), 3 sets
Benefits: Builds upper-body stability and strength through unilateral (single arm or leg) movement, as well as lower-body muscular endurance through an isometric (static) hold
- Stand tall with your arms extended straight overhead, holding a resistance loop in both hands with palms facing forward. Spread your legs as wide as you can, bending your left knee slightly and turning your left foot sideways while keeping your right foot pointing forward (think, warrior II pose in yoga).
- Keeping your right arm stationary overhead, drive your left elbow toward the floor to pull the loop down sideways with your left arm.
- Pause, then return to the starting position. Complete all reps, switch sides (left leg straight, right knee bent, right foot pointing sideways), and repeat, keeping your left arm overhead and pulling with your right arm.

Reps: 20 reps, 3 sets
Benefit: Stretches and builds mobility in the upper body and hips, while also increasing leg strength
- Stand tall with your feet together and arms raised straight overhead with open hands, palms facing forward. This is the starting position.
- Keeping your core engaged and back flat, step back with your right leg into a high lunge, keeping that leg straight while bending your left knee.
- Lower your elbows out to your sides to shoulder level so that they’re both bent to 90 degrees. Breathe into the stretch and expand your chest.
- Hold for a count of two, and then return to the starting position.
- Repeat, this time stepping back with your left leg. Continue alternating legs with each rep.
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