To celebrate the launch of Kate Ferdinand’s new ACTIVE range with F&F this Autumn, Joanna Ebsworth caught up with the former Women’s Fitness cover girl to find out how she juggles her workouts with motherhood and maintains her motivation to train and eat healthily.

Her current routine

‘For me, routine is essential, not just for my lifestyle, but also for my mental health. I think I just work better following a routine to be honest with you, especially in the mornings. If I get up early before the kids wake up, it gives me a little bit of thinking space. Obviously as a parent, I want to be involved with my kids and I don’t want to leave them in the middle of the day to exercise, so I find it easier if I put a bit of time aside in the morning before the day’s started. That way, I don’t feel guilty.’

‘Having a big family, I know how hard it can be to find the time to exercise.  But I find organising time for exercise in advance is helpful. If I don’t, time just slips away! All the workouts are booked in the diary, so we all know what’s going on, and we plan the meals. Well, I say ‘we’, but I plan the meals for the week. I like to eat healthily, not just for how it makes me look, but for the way it makes me feel and for helping me to avoid IBS symptoms. If there’s no organisation, nothing goes to plan and I don’t feel on top of things. But planning in advance means all the kids get to do their activities and I know what’s going on instead of running around the house frantically. I think kids work really well with structure and routine, especially when they can see the plan for the day.’

‘The recent summer holidays were very hectic. But we went away for the last few weeks, and it was the first time I’ve really been able to keep the routine going while away. I feel good for that. Obviously, it is harder in the summer holidays because the kids are off, but I still try to make my workouts a priority. We’re fortunate because we’ve got a gym at home, so the kids just come along and get involved. Even if it’s all a bit mental, I still manage to get my training done, although I am enjoying having more of a routine as a family and getting back into the swing of normal life now the kids are back at school.’

‘I always try to schedule in activities that help us stay active as a family. We’ve just come back from Portugal, and we’ve got some bikes out there. My son Cree is three and he actually went on a five-and-a bit mile bike ride, which is unbelievable. It’s crazy! But yeah, I love doing any activities like bike rides and trampolining with the kids, where we can all move our bodies and be together. It’s really fun.’

Kate Ferdinand: ‘I’ve entered my zen era’

‘I don’t really see things like alcohol and sweet treats as temptations these days. I don’t mind the odd cocktail here and there, but alcohol isn’t something I find hard to resist because I feel much clearer without it. I just feel better the next day if I don’t drink too much. When it comes to food on holiday, I’m okay with treating myself. I don’t have treats every single day, but if we go out for dinner, I’ll definitely be having a three-course meal, and I’m not going to feel guilty about it because we’re on a holiday! I’m also partial to a lime-flavoured Calippo by the pool every day – I love the lime ones!’

‘A hotel with a gym isn’t an essential for me. The way I think about it, if we’re visiting our holiday home – which I know we’re really lucky to have – it’s a home from home, so I do train, and Rio and the kids get involved. But if we’re in a hotel, I see it as more of a full-blown holiday where I don’t go to the gym and I spend all my time with the kids. I like to see it as time for my body to rest and relax, because you need that reset every now and then’.

Kate Ferdinand on how she works out

‘My workouts chop and change a lot. Since I had my daughter last year, I’ve mainly done Pilates. But over the last three or four weeks, I’ve started a new routine and I’m back into doing some weights. The aim is to lift weights four times a week and do Pilates once or twice. I know that’s a lot, because I normally only work out three to four times a week, but I’m trying to build my glutes a little bit since having the babies. My glutes have kind of deflated, so my new aim is to try and build them up, and that means heavy weights and training consistently. It’s very difficult – I felt sick after training the other day! – but I’m giving it a go. I like to set myself new goals and new targets to keep things fresh, and it also keeps my mind going. It’s definitely easier to find the motivation to exercise when you have a reason.’

Don’t stress about it if you’ve let your healthy habits slide over the summer. It’s fine! You’re allowed to enjoy yourself and take it easy for a bit. I also think it’s better to gradually build up your movement because we all have to start somewhere. Don’t go putting too much pressure on yourself by deciding your workouts should be a full 60-minutes at the gym. Even if you go for a walk with the kids, or if you just do 20 minutes in front of the TV or YouTube, that’s great, so long as you’re moving.’

Kate Ferdinand on her recent F&F Autumn collection

‘I think it’s always nice when you wear a workout outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident. I honestly think it can help you to train better. I don’t want to be worrying what I look like when I’m working out. I just need to get things done without distractions and feeling comfortable helps with that. That’s why I’m so excited to share my latest F&F Autumn collection. The pieces are designed with style and comfort in mind, whether you’re looking to amp up your activewear fits or feel great on-the-go. Plus, the fabrics are so soft’.

When you get to design a range and pick everything you love, it’s hard to choose a favourite piece. We’ve got lots of different styles now, including classic yoga trousers with a flattering flare which you can wear for more relaxed workouts or out during the day. I’m obsessed with the wine-coloured set – the Berry Top, £12.50, the Berry Legging, £16, and the Berry Relaxed Sweat Hoodie, £20 – which I wear in the gym and to Pilates. And the Black Dry Robe Coat, £55, is beautiful as well. It’s waterproof, durable and fully lined with a creamy soft borg on the inside to keep you warm during the winter months. And of course, everything is available in sizes 6 to 22, and the prices start from £8. I love that the ACTIVE range is so accessible with something for everyone.’

The Kate Ferdinand x F&F ACTIVE range is now available to buy in the majority of F&F at Tesco stores.