Burn fat and enjoy a great cardio workout at home with these effective moves by personal trainer Anne-Marie Lategan.

Twist jumps

Twist jumps

Photos by Eddie Macdonald


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at a right angle at your sides.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Twist your upper body towards the right.
  • Jump up.
  • Twist your legs over to the right and your upper body over to the left.
  • Land allowing your knees to bend to absorb the shock.
  • Alternate as fast as possible for your one-minute time limit.

Tip: Keep your back upright and focus on one point in front of you rather than twisting your head with the movement.

Backward lunges with overhead raise

Backward lunges with overhead raise


  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Hold a weight with both hands in front of your body.
  • Step backwards with your left leg and bend both knees to perform a lunge.
  • While lunging, lift the weight with both arms over your head.
  • Step forwards to the start position.
  • Repeat with your right leg.
  • Alternate between left and right.

Tip: Keep your upper body upright when you land – don’t lean forward.

Stability Ball Pikes

Stability ball pikes


  • Place your feet and shins on a Stability Ball.
  • Place your hands on the floor.
  • Keep a straight line between your shoulders, hips and feet.
  • Roll the Ball closer to your hands while pushing your bottom up to the ceiling.
  • Roll the Ball back to the starting position.

Tip: If the exercise is too hard, keep the knees bent while rolling the ball in. Don’t ever move your hand position.

Lunge to single leg stances

Lunge to single leg stances


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lunge forward with your left leg and bend both knees.
  • As you lift up, push off with your left leg into a single leg balancing stance on your right leg.
  • Perform 12 repetitions each side.

Tip: Keep your upper back upright.

Kneeling stability ball roll outs

Kneeling stability ball roll outs


  • Kneel on the floor behind a Stability Ball.
  • Place your elbows and forearms on the Ball.
  • Lean forward with your hips to form a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders.
  • Push your arms forward and roll the Ball out.
  • Pull your arms back in until your elbows are underneath your shoulders.
  • Keep your hips in the same position throughout the movement.

Tip: This exercise can also be performed with your knees off the floor.

Resistance band crunches

Resistance band crunches


  • Tie a resistance band around a secure object.
  • Lie on your back on the floor.
  • Hold the edges of the resistance band in your hands and keep your hands next to your ears.
  • Ensure that there is slight tension in the band.
  • Crunch your head and shoulders up off the floor, pulling on the resistance band.
  • Slowly lower with control.

Tip: Support your neck with your hands if you feel any discomfort. Breathe out as you crunch up.

Resistance band crab walks

Resistance band crab walks


  • Stand with both feet on a resistance band.
  • Grab hold of the edges of the resistance band and cross it over in front of your legs.
  • Step four steps sideways towards the right.
  • Repeat four steps sideways towards the left.
  • Alternate between right and left.

Tip: Look straight ahead and keep your spine upright.

Double leg stretches

Double leg stretches


  • Lie on your back on the floor and keep your legs at a right angle and your shins parallel to the floor.
  • Crunch your head and shoulders off the floor.
  • Tuck your knees into your abs and push your lower back into the floor.
  • Grab hold of your shins with your arms.
  • Breathe out.
  • Simultaneously stretch your arms above your head and stretch your legs out to 45 degrees.
  • Keep your head off the floor and your lower back pushed into the floor.
  • Breathe out.
    Take your arms sideways into a semi-circle and tuck your knees in again, grabbing hold of your shins.
  • Repeat the move.

Tip: The closer your arms and legs are to the floor, the harder it is to stop your back from arching.